Friday, 19 June 2015

How the course is taught.

In the Department of English Language and Communication there are 2 main methods of teaching; lectures and seminars.

The most regular method of teaching in the department is through lectures. Lectures are traditionally a more teacher led approach to teaching rather than student led. However, due to the department being a relatively small department, there is usually an allowance for student participation, for example, asking questions, influencing the length of detail or teaching style and more. The lectures run for approximately 2 hours per session.

Seminars are not used as often on the department but are still a good method. Seminars allow for more student participation (for example, the student may influence the topic of study or practice task). Seminars usually run for around an hour, however this can be influenced by the student. Students may request seminars for extra support, however the tutor is not always free to do these due to their busy schedule so they may propose a counteroffer.

Every student will have meetings with their PAT (Personal Academic Tutor). All students are assigned a PAT at the beginning of the year. Your PAT is there for academic support. There are mandatory meetings once a semester, where your PAT will check up on you and your progress. However, you may speak to your PAT at any time, if you contact them by email or visit them during their office hours.

Additionally, there are facilities to help aid student study. There is a IT suite within the department with up to date programmes that you may need to use during your course of study. Furthermore, the university library is constantly expanding and adding new and up to date literature. There are academic liaisons to help you find the best resources in your study.

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